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2024年3月8日(金) 14:00-15:30 (13:30開場)
W大阪 Great Room(2F)March 8, 2024 (Fri) 14:00-15:30 (13:30 open)
W Osaka Great Room (2F)

ーCareer Diversityー

毎年3月8日は、「国際女性デー(International Women’s Day) 」 です。1975 年、国連によって制定され、現在では世界各国で様々なイベントが行われています。#WHATSHESAID 2023年、女性はいま、何を感じ、何を考え、言葉にするのか。みなさんの中に潜むバイアスを客観的に認識し、ジェンダー、国籍、文化、いろんなバックグラウンドをもつ人々が共に気づきを深め合い、関わることで新しい価値をつくります。本来、1人ひとりは多様な考え方、人生や仕事の経験、文化や育ってきた環境の違いを持っています。Diversity(多様性)とは認めるものではなく、すでにそばにあるということに気づき、愛するということではないでしょうか。2024 年国際女性デーのテーマは「Invest in women: Accelerate progress:女性への投資:進歩を加速させる」です。関西エリアの女性起業家支援を行う大阪産業局女性起業家応援プロジェクトDISCOVER MYSELFと、DE&I経営に取り組むW大阪が、起業した女性のストーリーも交えながら、女性活躍やダイバーシティ推進の現在、そしてこれからの創造をディスカッションしていきます。「女性への投資」というが、どんな分野に投資したらいいのだろう?そもそも女性はどうやってキャリアを築いているのだろう?キャリアの始まりを国内外で経験した方や、大企業でのキャリアから自分の本当に取り組みたいことを見つけて転職した方、そして身近な経験から福祉の分野での事業化を果たした方など、これまで王道であった分野以外で熱意や時間を投資する女性たちの多様性に触れ、より豊かな社会のあり方を考えていきませんか。






International Women's Day was established every year on March 8, by the United Nations in 1975, and now various events are held around the world.  #WHATSHESAID What do women feel, think and say in 2023. By objectively recognizing the biases that lurk within each of us, and by deepening our awareness and involvement together with people from various backgrounds, including gender, nationality, and culture, we can create new values. Diversity is not something to be acknowledged, but to be loved and to realize that it is already there. The theme for International Women's Day 2024 is "Invest in women: Accelerate progress. DISCOVERMYSELF, an Osaka Business Development Agency project to support female entrepreneurs in the Kansai area, and W Osaka, which is involved in DE&I management, will discuss the current and future creation of women's activities and diversity promotion, including stories of women who have started businesses. They call it "investing in women," but in what areas should we invest? How do women build their careers? A speaker who has started their careers in Japan and abroad, another one who has changed careers from large corporations to find what they really want to work on, and someone who has commercialized their careers in the field of welfare based on their own familiar experiences. Why don't we think about how we can create a more affluent society?

Please note that this seminar may be unavoidably changed or canceled due to various reasons such as infectious diseases.

来場者募集中/申し込みはこちら Recruiting visitors / Click here to apply




4-1-3 Minami Semba, Chuo-ku, Osaka 542-0081



Support organizations, private companies, women entrepreneur support groups, etc. that support the success and growth of female entrepreneurs in a wide area. We will provide our own network and services to the finalists who participated in the business plan presentation, and support them in their respective positions to solve the problems faced by female entrepreneurs. We also support activities that support entrepreneurs and local communities.



Local governments or public support organizations that hold events to support the growth of female entrepreneurs. Conducted promotional activities for this project, as well as seminars to promote women's empowerment using finalists (ambassadors). Efforts in each region are posted on the portal site of this project. We are promoting activities that transcend regional boundaries.